CAE language certification

Success for our students


The FOSBOS Neuburg is delighted to announce that our students were incredibly successful in this year´s CAE language certification.

Within the course of a very demanding workshop over the duration of a quarter of a year, our students were intensively prepared to meet and exceed the standards of the University of Cambridge in order to obtain their language diplomas.

We are proud to announce that 5 of our students achieved a B2 certificate, 10 students succeeded with a C1 certification and an incredible number of 6 students were able to achieve an amazing C2-level certification against the European language reference standards!

Our whole school family along with all our staff and all your fellow students congratulates our CAE participants to this extraordinary achievement!

Siehe auch

Das Ler­nen an der FOS­BOS Neu­burg ist nicht auf den Un­ter­richt be­grenzt – du kannst auch dar­über hin­aus Er­fah­run­gen ma­chen, Ta­len­te ent­de­cken, Fä­hig­kei­ten ent­wi­ckeln und Spaß haben. Zum Bei­spiel bei Ju­gend forscht, der Teil­nah­me an Aus­tausch­pro­gram­men oder beim En­ga­ge­ment für die ver­schie­de­nen Um­welt­pro­jek­te.