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Short reports about immigrants of the "Integrationsvorklasse"

Gemeinsam und voneinander lernen – zum Beispiel im Englischunterricht: Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse FT 12b haben mit der Integrationsvorklasse (IVK) eine Englischstunde erlebt, in der sie sich kennenlernen und bei ihren Englischaufgaben unterstützen konnten. Beide Klassen haben nicht nur viel Neues gelernt, sondern auch sehr viel Spaß gehabt. Damit zeige sich, so die beteiligten Lehrkräfte, dass für die FOSBOS Neuburg die Auszeichnung "Schule ohne Rassismus" mehr als nur eine Plakette ist. In dieser gemeinsamen Stunde sind folgende Texte über die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Integrationsvorklasse entstanden: 

Short reports about immigrants of the IVK – What are their challenges?

“My partner from the IVK comes from Kosovo. She has some problems with the German grammar, but she speaks English and Albanian very well. She told me the food in Kosovo is very delicious and different to German food. She struggles with some subjects at school and it’s hard for her to study the topics in German. Even though she has problems with the language, she works in addition to school to earn some extra money.” 

“He is a Russian immigrant who came to Germany three years ago. His mother comes from Russia and this father from Germany. He came to Germany because there are more opportunities than in Russia, for example education, a better life etc. He is also 17 years old and goes to the gym. He loves to play CSGO. His favorite subject is Mathematics and he wants to attend FOS in the future.” 

“My partner student first told me that he fled from Ukraine to Germany because of the war against Russia. But one of the good things was that he had already taken some German lessons in Ukraine even though he told me that almost every German teacher at his school was terrible. A thing he thinks is good here is the way he is taught and how the teachers tell him to improve his German. Mainly he came to Germany in hopes of having a better life so he can build his life again in this country.”

“My person is from Kosovo. She had to come to Germany because of her father’s job. She has an aunt who has lived in Germany for many years and she often helps her and her family with problems. It was difficult for her to move here because all of her friends stayed in Kosovo. The language barrier also plays a big part in her situation but she is doing her best to learn German.”

“This is a text about a girl who came from Kosovo to Germany and she told us the difficulties of immigrants especially the emotional and social aspects of dealing with a new culture. She said that the most difficult thing to be an immigrant was to learn the foreign language. You are not able to communicate with the inhabitants if you don’t know the language, it will be hard to get a visa and the right documents to live in this country. She didn’t know any other people, only her family, she had no friends and sometimes she felt lonely. 
The biggest differences between Germany and Kosovo are the festivals. Germany has the Oktoberfest and Schlossfest, in Kosovo, there is only Ramadan. Also in Kosovo, you don’t have any free time, you are always working or studying.”

“On Wednesday pupils from the IVK class came into our lesson to get some tips from us on how to write an essay and to get to know each other . The student I talked with said that one of the biggest problems he is faced with in Germany is to get all the documents needed. Also, he was interested in how the FOS works and in the elective subject “Informatik”. I think that these sorts of lessons are very good because pupils know what problems there are with learning in school and have better tips on how to do stuff.”

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